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Brookside Dental Care Blog

How Long Does It Take for Gingivitis to Heal?

July 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 4:19 am
Woman in white shirt brushing her teeth to reverse gingivitis

According to one estimate, roughly half of U.S. adults have some form of gum disease. Many of them have gingivitis, a mild infection of the gum tissue that causes inflammation and minor bleeding. The good news is that gingivitis is usually reversible via diligent at-home oral hygiene. How can you help your gums to heal, and how long will it be before you notice improvements? Let’s discuss the answers to these important questions.


Reasons People Skip Their Dental Appointments — and Why You Shouldn’t

June 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 7:59 pm
Happy patient, smiling after overcoming her dental fear

If it has been a while since you visited your dentist, you are far from alone. Millions of people hesitate to schedule and keep their oral care appointments. Some do so because they suffer from dental fear, while others are ashamed of their oral health. Still others believe there is no need to visit their dentist. While such thinking is understandable, you should still make efforts to attend regular preventive dentistry appointments. Let’s talk about some common reasons why people avoid the dentist and why doing so is unwise.


5 Popular Drinks that Can Harm Your Teeth

June 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 7:55 pm
Sparkling water, a beverage that can harm oral health

Which beverage do you reach for when you need some refreshment? Most people enjoy sipping on things like soda, sparkling water, or juice. While there is nothing wrong with indulging in such drinks once in a while, if consuming them becomes a regular habit, they could pose a threat to your teeth. Let’s discusses how these and other popular beverages may affect your oral health.


Understanding the Importance of Early Detection of Oral Health Problems

May 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 2:54 pm
Woman attending a cleaning and checkup with her dentist in Prestonsburg

The American Dental Association recommends that everyone visits their preventive dentist at least once every six months. That is not empty advice; regularly attending checkups and cleanings allows for early detection of oral health problems, which in turn has huge benefits for your smile, your overall wellness, and your quality of life. Let’s talk about just a few reasons why you should never skip your routine dental appointments.


How and Why to Protect Your Lips from the Summer Sun

May 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 9:49 pm
Woman applying lip balm to protect her lips from the sun

Summer is just around the corner. You may have plans to enjoy your favorite warm weather activities, whether that involves lounging by the pool, hiking at your favorite parks, or just going for strolls around the neighborhood. While such things are certainly enjoyable, they pose a risk to your oral health — specifically, overexposure to sunlight could increase your risk of oral cancer. Let’s talk about why and how you should protect your lips from the sun this summer.


3 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Before Your Summer Vacation

April 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 9:19 pm
Happy couple during summer vacation away from Prestonsburg

Do you have plans to go on vacation this summer? Whether you have your sights set on an epic road trip or an overseas adventure, scheduling a dental appointment might be the last thing on your mind. But did you know that visiting your dentist before your summer vacation away from Prestonsburg can provide some big benefits? Let’s discuss why you should tend to your teeth before you take off on your trip.


How to Prevent and Manage Cavities During SureSmile Treatment

April 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 9:22 pm
Smiling woman without cavities during SureSmile in Prestonsburg

SureSmile outfits your teeth with custom-made shields, so at first, it might seem reasonable to think that you are at a lower risk for cavities during your treatment. Sadly, that is not the case. Cavities during SureSmile are a very real possibility. Let’s talk about how you can minimize your risk and what you should do if you suspect that a cavity is developing.


Can Gum Disease Cause Hypertension? What You Should Know

March 30, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 8:04 pm
Woman with gum disease in Prestonsburg checking her blood pressure

High blood pressure claims tens of millions of lives each year. While many people focus on controlling risk factors like diet, exercise, and stress levels, there is another important risk factor that many people are unaware of — gum disease. Let’s talk about the link between gum disease and hypertension. What you learn may just motivate you to give serious thought to how you care for your smile.


4 Facts about Root Canal Therapy that Everyone Should Know

March 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 7:54 pm
Patient learning important facts about root canal therapy in Prestonsburg

Root canal therapy is an infamous dental treatment — few procedures inspire more nervousness and fear. But did you know that it actually doesn’t deserve its bad reputation? Let’s discuss four facts about root canal therapy in Prestonsburg. After learning them, you may just come to appreciate this remarkable, highly effective treatment.


Discover 9 Big Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

February 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 7:57 pm
Happy woman enjoying benefits of porcelain veneers in Prestonsburg

Have you been thinking about getting veneers? This cosmetic treatment may be able to give you your dream smile. Still, you might hesitate to commit. After all, the procedure can cost quite a bit of money, and perhaps you aren’t 100% sure that you’ll like the results. Your dentist will be happy to help you address any questions or concerns you have about the treatment. In the meantime, considering some of the top benefits of porcelain veneers might help you feel more confident about getting them.

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