Sadly, dental treatment has a widespread reputation for being uncomfortable or even frightening. If the idea of visiting your dentist makes you anxious, you might put off necessary care. What could help you to have an easier experience? You might be a good candidate for oral conscious sedation. This blog post touches on a few signs that this provision could be perfect for you.
Dental Treatment Makes You Anxious or Afraid
Perhaps you had an unpleasant dental care experience in the past, or maybe all the negative media around dentistry has influenced you. Whatever the case, it is understandable if the prospect of undergoing oral procedures makes you uneasy.
Oral conscious sedation involves the use of a medication that can reduce your body’s fear response. In fact, most patients who get sedated undergo their entire procedure in complete comfort and calmness.
Dental Treatment Is Uncomfortable for You
Some people are not easily numbed by local anesthesia, while others have medical conditions that make it difficult for them to sit still for a prolonged period of time. If either of those things are true in your case, sedation may be able to help. It can dull your response to pain and help your entire body to relax, even if you have to undergo an extensive procedure.
You Have a Strong Gag Reflex
Do you feel like gagging when dental instruments are inside your mouth? Your gag response can be uncomfortable for you and disruptive to your dental team’s efforts to serve you. Sedation can dull your reflexes so your dentist can help you to enjoy a healthier smile.
You Need Extensive Treatment
If you are normally not nervous about dental care, you still might face some discomfort if you have to undergo a lengthy procedure. Sedation can help you to remain at ease even if your dental team will be treating you for a few hours. You might even drift off to sleep!
You Do Not Have Any Serious Contraindications
Oral conscious sedation is safe for the vast majority of patients. However, there are some medical conditions that could make it unwise for you to be sedated. For example, it is usually not recommended for pregnant individuals or those with certain respiratory illnesses. Your dental team will thoroughly screen you to make sure there is minimal risk associated with your entire treatment process, including any sedatives that are used.
Dental treatment doesn’t have to be scary or uncomfortable. Find out if you are a candidate for oral conscious sedation so your next appointment can be as easy as possible.
Meet the Practice
Dr. Bryan Griffith has helped countless patients to overcome their dental anxiety through the use of sedation. Along with his associate, Dr. Alex Hartgrove, he offers a wide range of procedures in a comfortable and welcoming environment. To find out more about how the team at Brookside Dental Care could help you to have a positive treatment experience, contact us at 606-874-9311.