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Your Guide to Flossing with SureSmile

January 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 3:15 pm
Smiling woman flossing in front of mirror

Clear aligner treatments are convenient and effective for straightening teeth. However, they do require that you make some adjustments to your daily routine. For example, you will have to pay extra attention to your oral hygiene. One specific thing you will have to do is floss regularly. Why is that so important, and how can you do so effectively? Read this guide to flossing with SureSmile to discover the answers.

Why Is Flossing with SureSmile So Important?

There are a couple of reasons why flossing with SureSmile is so important:

  • Crooked teeth can trap bacteria. If your teeth are crowded and overlapping, they can easily trap food particles and bacteria between them. If you do not floss, you become much more vulnerable to issues like decay and bad breath. After SureSmile straightens your teeth, fewer food particles will get trapped, but flossing will remain important.
  • Your aligners can also trap food and bacteria. Without clear aligners, your saliva naturally washes away some of the debris on your teeth. Unfortunately, clear aligners can prevent saliva from carrying out its natural cleaning process. Food particles and bacteria may remain trapped against your teeth for hours if you are not strict about your oral hygiene routine.

How Often Should You Floss with SureSmile?

For people who are not undergoing orthodontic treatment, flossing once a day is usually adequate for maintaining a clean mouth. During clear aligner treatment, though, you should make it a habit to floss (and brush!) after each meal. Doing so will protect your teeth from damage, help you maintain fresh breath, and reduce the risk of stains and odors on your aligners.

How Should You Floss with SureSmile?

Essentially, flossing with SureSmile is the same as flossing without it. It is usually best to floss before you brush so the fluoride in your toothpaste can get as much contact with your teeth as possible. However, if you are in the habit of brushing first, your teeth are unlikely to suffer too much because of it.

To floss, take a section of floss that is about 18 inches long. Wrap the majority of it around one of your middle fingers, and wrap just a little around your other middle finger. Use the section between your fingers to clean your teeth. Insert the floss and move it along the sides of both teeth that surround a space.  Be sure to be gentle — you should never snap the floss between your teeth! Roll the floss from finger to finger as you move around your mouth so you are always using a clean section.

Flossing with SureSmile is important! Use this guide, along with advice from your dentist, to maintain a clean mouth throughout your clear aligner treatment.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Bryan Griffith and Alex Hartgrove are proud to provide a broad range of oral health services to the Prestonsburg community. If you are curious about SureSmile, the team at Brookside Dental Care would be pleased to answer your questions. Contact them at 606-874-9311.

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