The American Dental Association recommends that everyone visits their preventive dentist at least once every six months. That is not empty advice; regularly attending checkups and cleanings allows for early detection of oral health problems, which in turn has huge benefits for your smile, your overall wellness, and your quality of life. Let’s talk about just a few reasons why you should never skip your routine dental appointments.
Prevent Problems from Worsening
The teeth are a unique part of the human body. There are many wonderful things about them, but they aren’t perfect. One of their flaws is that they cannot heal themselves when they suffer significant damage. Therefore, if you develop a cavity, it will only get worse with time. During a preventive dentistry appointment, your dentist can diagnose that decay and treat it before it becomes a significant threat to your oral health.
Gum disease is another issue that typically worsens with time. However, if it is diagnosed and treated early enough, it can be treated before it causes permanent damage to the gums and underlying bones.
Enjoy the Best Quality of Life Possible
Undiagnosed and unaddressed dental problems can seriously interfere with your ability to enjoy daily activities. For example, if an untreated cavity deepens to the point where it exposes the dentin (the second layer of teeth), you may experience significant sensitivity. You may therefore be unable to fully enjoy things like hot coffee or iced beverages.
There are also aesthetic considerations to take into account. Gum disease and other oral health problems can affect your smile’s appearance, thereby affecting your confidence in social situations.
Save Money
Minor dental problems in their early stages typically cost much less to treat than extensive issues. For example, it may cost a couple hundred dollars to get a cleaning and checkup. If the exam finds a small problem, such as a cavity, that might take another few hundred dollars out of your pocket.
Now, compare those prices to the cost of extensive dental treatment. Severe oral health problems can easily lead to tooth loss, and replacing those teeth with dental implants may cost tens of thousands of dollars (depending on how many implants are needed).
Protect Your Life
Oral cancer affects tens of thousands of people each year; it is recommended that all adults get screened annually. A screening is part of a routine dental exam, and it only takes a few minutes. Remember, the earlier cancer is detected, the higher the survival rates!
Your oral health is hugely important for your overall wellness. Detecting problems early on can spare you from pain and help your smile last a lifetime!
Meet the Practice
Drs. Bryan Griffith and Alex Hartgrove are the experts at Brookside Dental Care in Prestonsburg. They have a widespread reputation for providing comfortable, empathetic care. Their great attention to detail equips them to detect oral health problems as early as possible. If you are looking for a team to care for your oral health, our practice would be pleased to serve you. Contact our office at 606-874-9311.